Tuesday 26 August 2008

Mercedes - 15 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant

Dear Peanut,

I think I felt you move for the first time today! Not that you haven't been moving around for some time now, but today was the first time I actually felt it! What an odd sensation - kind of like little popping bubbles in my stomach. I hope I get to feel it again soon - I can't wait until there are actual forceful kicks going on. Then there will be NO doubt as to what you are up to, and then Daddy can feel it too!


A very excited Mommy

Friday 15 August 2008

Mercedes - 13 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Peanut,

I had my second midwife appointment yesterday and she said everything seems to be right on track! The highlight of the day for me was getting to hear your lovely heartbeat again. Nice and strong at 160 bpm - almost exactly the same as last time!

People say that this means you are a girl, but of course, there are no guarantees. We are hoping you will cooperate at your next ultrasound (on September 22nd) so we can stop calling you IT. So far, I don't really have any good hunches on boy vs girl - neither does your Daddy. We are just so excited to finally know and plan! We have lots of big dreams for you little one.

Love always,


Friday 1 August 2008

Mercedes - 11 weeks 6 days Pregnant

Dear Peanut (or as other members of your family like to call you - Lima Bean or Tidbit),

Today your Daddy and I got to see you on the big screen and we got your very first picture of you! (Which we've already framed and posted all over the Internet - I wonder if Facebook will still be around whee you are old enough to read and understand this?)

Anyway - it was a wonderful moment for your father and I. You look strong and healthy, with a nice, fast heartbeat (159 beats per minute!) It was exciting to finally tell the whole world about you today. Everyone can't wait to meet you!

