Wednesday 22 October 2008

Mercedes - 23 weeks 4 Days Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

The doctors and nurses have already told me that you will be/are a big baby. I had another ultrasound yesterday and you look big and perfect and healthy. And you've been kicking the crap out of me lately also.

Today your Daddy actually felt you kick for the very first time. I made some spicy chili for dinner and either you really liked it, or you really did NOT - because you were moving and kicking like crazy after. Daddy was able to finally feel you and he was so excited. He can't wait to meet his little princess.



Tuesday 14 October 2008

Mercedes - 22 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

Today I felt you kick from the OUTSIDE for the very first time! It was so exciting. You've been kicking up a storm all day today (which I have to tell you is kind of distracting while I'm trying to work) - and then when I got home from work I was chatting with your dad on the couch. I was just telling him about how active you were all day, when pow! I definitely, 100%, felt you kick my hand! Unfortunately, you stopped moving around then, even though Daddy tried to feel right away. I am confident however, that this means he'll be able to feel you for the first time within the next few days. He is very impatient!


Your thrilled Mommy

Saturday 4 October 2008

Mercedes - 21 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

Well, it looks like you really ARE a girl! We had a second ultrasound with a different technologist and he agreed that you are indeed female. And we couldn't be happier. We've even started shopping in earnest now - we've got your stroller and carseat and a whole bunch of pink outfits and we even ordered your beautiful bedding. I can't wait until it gets here and then we'll paint and get your furniture all ordered and set up. The time is moving so quickly - it's already October! You'll be here before we know it and we can't wait to meet you. Your Daddy can't wait to spoil you - there is just something special about Daddy's little girls (I should know, I am one too!)

