Thursday 12 March 2009

Mercedes - 1 Month Old

Dear Mercedes,

It's hard to believe you are going to be an entire month old already tomorrow! The past few weeks have just flown by. We spent a few days in the hospital of course, and getting adjusted to having you at home was fun but difficult. We love having you here, but are feeling a little sleep-deprived. You seem to sleep much better during the day instead of at night. Each day gets easier though, as we get more and more used to one another.

Your Daddy is back to work this week, after being home with his girls for three whole weeks. He misses you SO much when he is gone during the day, as soon as he comes home he kisses you and wants to hold you for the rest of the night. You are definitely his little princess already!

And today, you actually smiled at me for the first time! Not gas, this was an actual, honest-to-goodness smile! I only hope that you can repeat it tonight when Daddy gets home, or he will be very jealous.