Thursday 21 May 2009

Mercedes - 3+ Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Yesterday marked another first for you. You FINALLY laughed! I have been waiting for a while and for the past few weeks it seemed like you were on the verge, but no dice. Yesterday I was tickling your neck (pretending to gobble you up like I usually do!) and you giggled!! You did it three times in total, and then I guess my trick got old. Daddy hasn't heard it yet, so get working on repeating it please!

Oh, and you are now a rolling pro! In two days you have totally mastered the skill. You are now lightning fast which means Mommy has to be REALLY careful what I do with you! What a big week for my baby girl.



Saturday 16 May 2009

Mercedes - 3 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

You are no longer a newborn! It's hard to believe you are three months old, and out of the 'fourth trimester' already. This very precious time with you is just flying by - it's sad and yet wonderful, all at the same time. You seem to grow and change and learn new things right before our very eyes!

Today you rolled over (from your back to your tummy) for the first time! You have been trying REALLY hard for the past few days, but could only make it on to your side. At 4 am you were making such a big effort you couldn't stop farting, and then when I laughed at you, you kept smiling back at me. It was a very funny moment. But of course, the first two times you actually made it all the way onto your belly, only Daddy witnessed it! (I was in the shower.) Thankfully, you repeated your new trick for Mommy later this afternoon. I am so proud of my little girl!

