Saturday 3 October 2009

Mercedes - 7 Months 3 Weeks Old

Dear Mercedes,

In the past few weeks you have changed SO much! You now have THREE teeth and the fourth is going to cut through any day now! You can pull yourself up to your knees and are so close to getting all the way on to your feet. Still no crawling, but you can scoot forward on your bum (slowly, but surely!) You love 'talking' to us all the time and you absolutely love going out with Mommy, especially to see all of your little friends. You are eating all sorts of food now and throw a little temper tantrum if I don't share with you or try to take something away from you. You definitely love your food, just like Mommy and Daddy!

But probably the most exciting change, at least for me anyway, is that you have FINALLY realized that Mommy is not the only one who can take care of you. Of course, I'm still number one, but I can now leave you alone with Daddy with NO tears, and sometimes you'll even let other people hold you without crying! This is very exciting - both because maybe it means that Daddy and I can get out a little more (not that we don't love being with you of course). But it also means that the other people who love you to pieces (Bubie, Zaidie, Auntie Kimmy, Thea Melissa) can FINALLY spend some more quality time with you. Everyone is happy. My little girl is growing up so fast!

