Thursday 15 December 2011

Mercedes - 34 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

For the past nearly YEAR, you've had some issues sleeping. At first, it was just bedtime (and naptime). Out of nowhere, you didn't want us leaving you alone. Prior to that, you always went to sleep by yourself, in your room alone. Then out of nowhere, you wanted back rubs. And us to sit on your floor until you were asleep. The sneaking out of your room got more and more difficult, but we put up with it, because frankly, the idea of letting you cry made us both heartsick. THEN, when your sister was a couple of months old, you started waking up each and every night. And wanted to sleep with Daddy. He was sleeping on the couch with you and the dog, and I was sleeping in bed with your baby sister and really, none of us were getting any sort of quality sleep!

A week or so ago, we decided enough was enough and you had to start sleeping in your own bed for the whole night and going to sleep on your own without a witness sitting on the floor. You cried that first night. And woke up a LOT. But we reassured you constantly that we are ALWAYS here for you, but you needed to be a big girl and stay in your own bed. And you did it!

Now you go to sleep with no complaints, and stay in your own bed for the whole night. We are so proud. And happy that we are all getting better sleep. Your mood changed instantly. Of course, you still have tantrums and demanding, defiant moments - but of course, you ARE nearly three. I don't see that changing any time soon ;) But you wake up happy and cheerful and remain that way for much more of the day, thankfully. It makes that difficult night of crying all worth it.

Now, we just need to fix your sister!

