Thursday 26 April 2012

Alexis - 11 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

You have your first word, yay! You've actually probably been saying it for a while now, but it's SO hard to tell what's just babbling and what is said with actual purpose and intent. But the other day, your Daddy came home from work and as usual, you crawled at breakneck speed down the hallway to greet him. He said "Hi Alexis!" and you beamed and waved and said "Hi!" back! Over and over and over again! We've been testing you, and yep, you really mean HI when you say it. So unbelievably cute, and totally indicative of how much of a little social butterfly you are.

In other news, you start daycare full time next week, as I have to go back to work on Monday. You had only your second visit at daycare yesterday (unattended by me), and you were a rockstar! You cried when Daddy dropped you off (and when I picked you up), but that's totally normal and to be expected for a while. But you stopped crying quickly, and got into the swing of playing with your new little friends happily - you ate a big breakfast, and the best part, you even went down for a nap without a peep! I knew you'd do awesome - you are this amazing combination of feisty and devilish and active, while being very easygoing and laidback and happy. You are such a joy to be around - you make the whole world smile around you. I'm going to miss you so much, but I know you'll be having a blast playing with your sister all day.



Thursday 5 April 2012

Mercedes - 3 Years Old & Alexis - 10 Months Old

To my Princesses,

I missed the whole month of March, oops! Things are always hectic, particularly since you two seem to want to go in opposite directions. I LOVE being at home with the both of you, but man, it's exhausting! I can hardly find the time to shower, let alone write in your journal.

But I wanted to take this opportunity, before I go back to work in just a couple of weeks, to thank you both for the past year. It's had its ups and downs, there have been tears (from all of us!), a lot of sleepless nights, whiny tantrums, injuries, injustices, yelling (more than I'd like to admit), frustration, anger, overwhelming helplessness, illness... etc. But there have also been tears of joy, heart-melting moments, kisses, hugs, snuggles, laughter, milestones met, new things learned, unshakeable bonds formed, and an overwhelming amount of love.

I not only fell in love with you, my sweet Alexis - birthing you, breastfeeding you, cuddling you while you slept on my chest, snuggling you in our big bed at night, sitting up with you while you were sick, watching you grow and learn and discover all those wonderful things babies discover in their first months.

But I also re-fell in love with you Mercedes, my lovely big girl. Having this second chance to spend extra time with you has been amazing (frustrating and exhausting at times, but amazing). Taking you to gym class and 'math' class and playdates... doing crafts and baking and going on long walks and reading and doing puzzles and playing catch. I loved the time we spent together in your first year of course, but having this chance while you are older is something special and unique that unfortunately, I won't ever get with Alexis.

And most of all, I've loved watching you fall in love with each other. There is nothing like the looks you two give each other, the giggles you two share, the smiles you greet each other with. Of course, there have been bumpy patches in your relationship also - fighting for my attention, being told you aren't allowed certain things, and more recently, a biting baby sister who tries to steal her big sister's snacks. But in general, you two love each other so much that it makes MY heart hurt with how happy it makes me.

I can never get this year back, and I know that when I'm back at work things will be hectic and overwhelming and we won't get as much time together. But I'll always have the memory of how special it has been, and how much I've learned - both about my amazing girls, and about myself as a mother. I love you Mercedes, and I love you Alexis. My shining stars, forever.