Friday 28 June 2013

Mercedes - Preschool Graduate!

Dear Mercedes,

You are officially a graduate! Of Preschool that is, but it is what is hopefully your first of many graduations, and your father and I (and all the rest of our family) couldn't be prouder! You first started Preschool, full-time, in September. You had a typical transition - you were so excited to go at first, and then on day three reality hit, as did the tears. You cried on drop-off for a couple of weeks, but settled fairly easily and began to participate. Shyly, and tentatively, but you participated. You ate, you slept, you listened well, you played and best (perhaps most importantly) of all, you began to make friends.

We've seen an immense change in you over the past almost-year, as have your teachers. Of course, part of that is just natural growing up - you were 3.5 when you started, and now you are nearly 4.5, so of course you've matured. But I have no doubt that Preschool helped the process. You talk to and play with kids you don't know at the playground and can talk to adults with ease. You now know all of your letters and numbers and are learning to read - you know tons of sight words and LOVE pointing them out while we read chapter books to you at bedtime. You have learned basic math and graphing and all about lifecycles (watching tadpoles grow and eggs hatch into baby chicks) and dinosaurs and the seasons and been to see live shows and ridden a pony and, and, and... the list of what Peekaboo has provided you is long.

We love having conversations with you and hearing all about the things you've learned. We love watching your little friends squeal "Mercedes!" and give you a hug when you show up. We love seeing how voraciously you read books and complete activity worksheets and how much you love to colour and practice your writing. We love seeing how far you've come physically too - climbing play structures with ease and little fear, riding a bike (with training wheels) - all things that you were too scared to attempt on your own a year ago.

At your graduation, which we all attended with proud, happy tears in our eyes, your teachers read this blurb about you: "Mercedes loves to spend time in the writing centre with the other girls playing teacher and school. She has formed new relationships and gained self confidence in these games. When Mercedes grows up, she wants to stay at home and be a 'mommy'. With her quiet and compassionate personality and her need for knowledge, we think she is going to be a librarian."  Your teachers love you - even the teachers from classes you aren't in love you (Miss Nicole misses you when she doesn't work mornings, and brings you special treats - I even noticed her holding your hand while you waited to cross the stage to get your 'diploma'). Seeing how much of an impact you have made on them, and how much of an impact they have made on YOU makes me swell with pride. You should have seen our reaction to your Progress Report!

You are still staying at Peekaboo over the summer, even though the Preschool program is now finished - going to the splash pad and playing soccer and enjoying time with your friends. Saying goodbye at the end of the summer will be bittersweet for us all - I have NO doubt that you will flourish and excel in Junior Kindergarten in September (although I'm primed for another 'transition' period), but I know that it will be sad to say goodbye to the second family you've created at Peekaboo over the past year. I'll never forget how much you've grown there.


Your ever-proud Mama

Holden - 6 Months Old

Dear Holden,

Happy Half Birthday! On Monday you turned six months old and it gave us a chance to reflect on how busy and full and wonderful the past half year has been. You are such an absolute delight - everyone you meet falls under your spell. Smiley and happy and content to just watch the world around you. You aren't very active (you roll around quite a bit, and move a ton in your crib at night, but during the day you are happy to just lie/sit and relax), although you do kick and wiggle a lot. So a wonderful blend of busy but stationary ;) You can't REALLY sit up on your own yet, although you try. Which has thrown a wrench in our introduction to solids - we do 'baby-led weaning' and one of the readiness factors is being able to sit up unassisted. We tried to give you some pepper earlier this week and you just toppled over too far in your high chair for us to feel comfortable with it. So we wait a bit, despite the fact that you are super-interested in whatever we happen to be eating. I am sure once you start you will be raring to go!

No teeth yet, although I do believe that a few are on the horizon. You are still nursing well, and sleeping well (three naps a day, and usually one wake up overnight), although you are an early riser just like your sisters. I guess your father's genes were dominant with all of you on that trait! You love to babble at us - babababa and mamamama are frequently heard. You weigh about 18.5 lbs (more than Lexi weighed at one year, ha) and are chubby and roly-poly with not very much hair, but delightfully large eyes and cheeks.

All in all, you have made our family more complete than we ever could have imagined. We love your sunny, gummy smile and the way you pause when someone talks to you - as if deciding your next move - before always, inevitably, lighting up into a gorgeous smile! You love to watch your sisters play, and your eyes glow when they play with you. We can't wait to watch you grow and become their playmate!

Happy half birthday Holders - we survived half a year with three kids!!! :D

