Dear Holden,
Today, you are 18 months old! That’s an
entire year and a half that you have been bringing joy to our lives, and it
means that as of tomorrow you’ll be closer to two than one! Scary thought, but
when I stop and think about it, I realize how quickly you are growing and
changing – every day you become less baby and so much more toddler. You are
figuring out how to climb on things (like into and out of low chairs,
navigating the slide in our backyard, climbing the stairs with ease). You are
so much more aware of our daily routines and fully participate in the rhythm of
the house, telling me when you need your diaper changed (“bumbum!” and heading
for the stairs), or pointing to the pillow I always use to support you while
nursing when you are requesting a session, or clearly asking for water or more
food, or trying to change your outdoor shoes as soon as we get to daycare. I
love watching your comprehension skills grow in leaps and bounds – you clearly understand
a TON of what we are saying, even if you still aren’t talking as much as I’d
like. You definitely have improved in that area though – new words are
beginning to pop up fast and furious now… you have probably about 20ish,
including Mama, Daddy, uh-oh, more, snack, doggie, water, ball, toe, eyes, turtle, Duke,
bye, hi, this, shoes, got it, did it, quack quack, moo, woof woof… It’s hilarious watching you try to repeat everything we say and
figuring out what words get reactions from the people around you.
You also have your own distinct personality
that shines through – most of the time happy and carefree and easygoing,
although some of that fabulous toddler-ness absolutely shines through. You seem
to get clingy with me in the evenings, which elevates the Momma guilt level to
‘high.’ You are also teething (two canines currently) which is messing with
your sleep a bit, and likely your personality! But through it all you remain,
for the most part, a smiley, sweet, affectionate little boy. You love to give
kisses and hugs, and try to run away from your sisters in an always-fun game of
chase. You have a special obsession for purses and hats
(yes, lots of estrogen in this house!) and as soon as you find both in the toy
bin, you put on the hat, sling the purse over your shoulder and happily yell
“bye bye!” while waving to your adoring fans. It’s hilarious and so endearing.
You still eat like a horse – often
out-eating your big sisters. You have a special fondness for green veggies
(WEIRD) and anything protein. You are still nursing (yay!), but usually only
2-3 times a day obviously, since I am working full-time. You are thriving in
daycare – you love being there, love pretending to cook in the kitchen (I think
you might be a chef one day), love playing with your new friends, love going
outside and playing with water or bubbles or the sandbox. You also have super-fantastic fine motor skills - can do up buckles and zippers and manipulate small objects REALLY well.
We are so thrilled with the smart,
handsome, affectionate little boy you are turning into – we couldn’t be prouder
to have you in our family. Each day I fall more and more in love with your
sturdy body and dazzling heart. Happy half birthday Mr. Handsome!