Friday 14 November 2014

Mercedes - 5 years and 9 months old

Dear Mercedes,

This week you brought home your first progress report of Senior Kindergarten, and we had an opportunity to discuss your work so far with your teachers as part of a ‘student-led conference’. Gone are the days of stuffy parent-teacher interviews that list all of your strengths and weaknesses. Instead we had the opportunity to have YOU lead us around your classroom, show us the different workstations, demonstrate the type of activities you do on a regular basis, provide us examples of some of your work to date… it was awesome! Of course, there was also the opportunity to speak with your teachers, and as your progress report said that you were easily meeting all expectations, I didn’t expect your teachers to tell me anything differently in person.

They told me you were “delightful” and “a pleasure to have in the class” – they said that you are helpful and considerate and love to assist with the JKs whenever needed; they said that you were quiet and often shy, but that it hasn’t hampered your social skills at all. You have a lot of friends, as we can see wherever you go (judging by the frequent chorus of “Mercedes! Hi Mercedes!” whenever you enter a room). You are constantly writing (duh) and doing fantastically great with your reading. They said they just loved having you in the class and seeing you blossom, and of course, we are so thrilled at how you are doing. Academic achievement is not the most important thing, although of course, it’s great to see; but it’s so nice to see your other skills growing – empathy and kindness and friendship and attentiveness. 

We are so proud of the wonderful person you are growing up to be. It is hard to believe sometimes that you will be six in only three short months, but as I reflect on the way you speak, and the things you converse with us about, and the awareness of your world you are quickly gaining, it isn’t that hard to imagine. I love how perceptive and analytical and straightforward you can be, but also that you are still so sweet and snuggly and funny. I love lying down with you in your bed a couple of times a week after Daddy has tucked you in – we chat about whatever you feel like chatting about and snuggle, and it leaves me feeling peaceful and whole. I love how you absolutely dote on your baby brother – giving him what he wants so that he doesn’t cry, watching out for his safety, hardly complaining when he football-tackles you to the ground. I love the special bond that you and Lexi have – making up complex, imaginative games to play together, snuggling on the floor-bed, laughing hysterically at her crazy antics at the dinner table. I love seeing your father reflected in so much of your personality – watching you two play board games and laugh at the same Christmas movies and become obsessed with Pokemon together.

It’s a joy to watch you grow into yourself – we love you muchly Shmeecee.

