Tuesday 23 December 2014

Holden - Happy 2nd Birthday!

Dear Holden,

Tonight I will say goodnight to my one year old ‘baby’ for the final time – when you wake up in the morning, it will officially be your second birthday! It’s hard for me to express in words (despite being a writer and someone who deals almost exclusively in words!) how significant birthdays are to me. My parents have always done an excellent job of making my sister and I (Auntie Kimmy!) feel special on our birthdays, even as grown-ups, and it’s something that I always vowed to repeat when I had kids of my own. Of course, your birth occurring on Christmas Eve throws a bit of a wrench in to that, but I am hopeful that as you grow older and more aware, you will have the same fond memories of your birthdays that I do, despite sharing your special day with another occasion requiring family, festivities, and presents.

Beyond everything else, a birthday is a chance to reflect back on the past year and how you have changed, and how *I* as your mother have also changed. I won’t lie, I took your first birthday pretty hard. Knowing that you are definitely our final baby, and loving the infant stage so much, it was difficult to come to the realization that this was it – babyhood was officially OVER. Your second birthday is easier in that respect, but it still fills me with a sense of nostalgic sadness. I can VIVIDLY remember being super-duper-pregnant with you, settling into our then-new house in Barrie, eagerly anticipating your arrival. It seems hard to believe that it was so long ago, and yet also hard to believe that back then, I didn’t even know you! I loved you, of course, but I didn’t know you. I didn’t know about the adorable dimple in your cheek when you smile. I didn’t know about how deeply you’d adore your big sisters (especially ‘Cedes’ currently). I didn’t know how much you’d LOVE trucks, and fancy hats, and cats, and Toy Story, and building towers, and your ‘Eddy’, and how your fine, wispy hair would start growing in little curls around your ears. I didn’t know how much of an easy baby you’d be, and how we’d pay for that during the toddler years. I didn’t know how tiny and adorable your voice would be (sometimes I have difficulty telling you and Lexi apart!), and how loudly you’d voice your opinions when you were displeased. I didn’t know that you’d have to bring something new and strange to bed every night, and in the car every morning (toy cars, action figures, a Barbie boot, a construction book, stickers, a rubber ball, a set of erasers, a pair of sunglasses). Most of all, I had absolutely no clue how much I’d love you, and how fully and completely you’d capture my heart. It’s true what they say… there is a special bond that mothers and sons have. I love my girls, of course, beyond measure, and we have our own special bond. But there is something so sweet about a little boy’s love for his Mama, and how strong your sturdy arms feel when they hug me goodbye in the morning, and how earnest your kisses are, and how surprised and happy you sound when you see me come home from work and say “Hi! Hi Mommy!”

I am so thrilled to watch you grow, and so amazed that we get to be along for the ride. Happy second birthday Holders. We love you to the moon and back.

