Monday 30 March 2015

A Week Away

Dear Offspring,

Last week marked an important milestone, for all of us! I was out of town on business, for the first time in over seven years. I used to travel a few times a year for work, but that was before any of you were born. Since you’ve all arrived, I have been away from you for only a night or two here or there. Your father and I actually went on a vacation for a week when Mercedes was almost two (and Lexi was in my tummy!), and it was a fun but LONG week. We both missed her terribly. Lexi, the longest I’ve been separated from you was two nights in a row, and my baby, Holden – the longest I’ve ever been apart from you was one night at a time! So me being gone for an entire week was truly something new. For me, for you, and also for your father, who was alone with all three of you the entire time.

Of course I was nervous, and sad. I knew I would miss you all so much. And I did. I missed hugging you all goodbye in the morning and tucking you in at night. I missed hearing your little voices telling me all about your days. I missed seeing you guys giggling as you play with each other before dinner. I missed seeing whatever strange object Holden would insist on bringing in the car on the way to daycare. But I also had a great time – I was working of course, so I was busy, but it was also really nice to just be ME for a few days. To only be responsible for myself, and to not have to worry about bedtime and naptime and diapers and school lunches. It was a little taste of freedom, really. And I am not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed it. I know your father was tired by the end of the week (taking care of three kids is exhausting, even for two parents!) but he also had a blast spending some quality time with you all. Of course, he is an awesome dad all the time, but having to be responsible for everything for an entire week is a daunting task – three kids, a dog, a cat, fish, a house – it’s a heck of a lot of work. But he did great, and you all did great. I am happy that no one seemed to miss me TOO much (except probably Duke), and that everything went smoothly without me. And I am happy that you got to see that Mommy's life outside of being Mommy is important too.

So while you all had fun, and I enjoyed the week away, I am super happy to be back. It was wonderful to hear all about your week, see Lexi’s crazy hair in person again, see Mercedes’ brand-new loose tooth, and hear Holden’s first sentence upon seeing me again (“Hi Mommy! I nurse now please.”)

It’s good to be home.



P.S. In case you were wondering, this morning in the car on the way to daycare Holden insisted on bringing a Tupperware container that dispenses salad dressing :)