Dear Mercedes,
Yesterday was your final day of Senior Kindergarten, which
means the end of a two year journey through the Ontario full-day kindergarten
program. And we couldn’t be prouder. I
remember you being excited to start Junior Kindergarten, but also quite
nervous. You didn’t know anyone, it was a new school with a new routine (no
nap!), and meant much more independence (bringing lunch for example). And
although there were some tears shed the first few days, you settled in quickly
and you THRIVED. You absolutely loved school. There were some tears leading up
to the start of Senior Kindergarten as well – you had such a fun summer and had
seemed to forget how much you loved school, and you were nervous about having
two new teachers and the added responsibility of being an SK. But by the end of
the first day, you were right back into your routine, and your circle of
friends was complete again.
You have developed some wonderful friendships the past two
years, and you have learned so much – it’s pretty astounding to watch. The
reading in particular makes me thrilled – I’ve always been an avid reader and
writer, and watching you navigate the world of advancing literacy is
awe-inspiring. It’s so fascinating seeing how your mind works and the things
you remember and how you adapt your new knowledge and skills to the world
around you. You also ask the most interesting, observant, thoughtful questions.
Some of them are quite difficult to answer (What is God? Why do some kids have
to be in foster homes? Who was the first mother?), but it delights me to
witness how you interpret the things you see and hear. I love hearing about
what you’ve learned in school and the adventures your teachers have taken you
on. You have truly blossomed this past year, and I have no doubts that Grade 1
will be more of the same – learning and growing and friendships and finding
your voice.
So although your school in particular didn’t have any sort
of Kindergarten graduation ‘ceremony,’ rest assured, we are extremely proud of
everything that you have accomplished this year, and can’t wait to see what the
coming years bring.
Much love,