Monday 22 May 2023

Lexi - Happy 12th Birthday!

 Dear Lexi,

A dozen years of knowing you and just when I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, you do something that makes me even more proud to be your mom. I know it’s hard being a middle child, and I know it’s hard being 12 – not really a little kid anymore (but you still love to wrestle with your brother like puppies) and not quite a teenager yet (despite the daily mascara wear). But as always, you seem to just plow through headlong. You are by far the most independent of your siblings, always wanting to make your own meals/snacks, baking alone, cleaning your room, organizing the pantry or your bathroom, always finishing all of your homework/assignments on time (seemingly effortlessly), never forgetting to put your elastics on your braces before bed each night.

It’s a pleasure watching you navigate your life and school and friendships and changing fashion and doing it all in your characteristic Lexi way. Quiet but loud, calm but feisty, loving but witty, snuggly but strong, athletic but artistic. You embody the perfect balance of someone who is grounded, sensitive, empathetic, loving, and above all, determined to do things her own way. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to see how you evolve as you become a teenager and beyond. Whatever life holds for you, I’m so glad to be along for the ride, and I know that you’ll kick butt no matter what.

Thank you for being you – I couldn’t be prouder to get to be your mom.

