Wednesday 22 May 2024

Lexi - Happy 13th Birthday!

Dear Lexi,

Happy 13th birthday to my now official teenager! When you were younger, we were always able to mark the actual moment of your birth (5:22 on 5/22) but those were the days when you all woke up ridiculously early - so thankfully that’s changed! Now you’re the one who sleeps in the most, by far! It’s always so surreal celebrating all of your birthdays, but the milestone ones especially evoke a lot of emotion in me. I remember being supremely pregnant with you, in a very hot week just like this year (May in Ontario is never a guarantee!) and I can vividly recall the night before you were born. Your grandparents came to pick up Mercedes, I waddled around the neighbourhood very slowly (early contractions) with your father, we watched an entire season of Californication (on DVD!) while I bounced on Auntie Kimmy’s exercise ball, we had friends over and hung out in the backyard (yes, still contracting). Until finally, finally, after all of that waiting, you emerged in a very fast, very tiny, very angry fury early in the morning. You were small but mighty - squeaky and delicate, but also made it very clear from day one exactly what you wanted and what your opinions were.

And that hasn’t changed. You are still stubborn and independent and opinionated in all the best ways (even if those ways sometimes drive me crazy), but thankfully you also still laugh at our jokes (even your father’s stupid Dad jokes), let me give you hugs, want to sit beside me whenever we’re out, and share your heart (grudgingly) when I pester you. This past year has been challenging for you in some ways, but I’m so grateful that we have the kind of relationship that means you’ll actually let us in, and let us help you. There’s nothing we want more than to see you flourish - and I have no doubt that you will continue to do so with your typical Lexi flair. 

So while you are so teenager in many ways - the fake nails, the makeup, the TikTok, the cocooning in your room, the attitude that comes out of nowhere, you’re also still my sweet little Lexi-Lou - affectionate and smart and funny and sweet as can be (case in point, the heartfelt cards you always write me that bring me to happy tears). We’re so proud of how brave and wonderful and beautiful you are, inside and out, and can’t wait to see what your teenage years hold for you (because I’m sure there will be more grey hairs for me!).

Love you forever,
