Saturday 27 September 2008

Friday 19 September 2008

Mercedes - 18 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Peanut,

Well, we are almost halfway there! Hard to believe I will be 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow - the days and weeks just keep flying by. The most amazing thing is that I am feeling you moving around now everyday. It isn't super-strong yet of course, and your Daddy can't feel from the outside yet, but I know you are there! Especially when I am in the car - which is apparently what I did when my mom was pregnant with me.

And the other big news - you are a GIRL! At least, we think so. We would have been thrilled either way of course, but (not-so-secretly), your father and I are absolutely delighted to have a little princess. We have a follow up ultrasound in about a week so we'll confirm them for sure that you are really a girl. We've been so impatient to find out and start shopping!

Your Daddy bought you your first girl present today - a pink surfboard - but left the receipt in the bag... JUST in case ;) Either way, we love you already and can't wait for you to be here!



P.S. It looks like you are going to be TALL like your Daddy. Yay!

Saturday 6 September 2008

Mercedes - 17 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Peanut!

It's hard to believe it is already September and the summer is almost over. This summer (and my pregnancy so far) just flew by. I can't believe I am already 17 weeks pregnant, can feel you moving around now, and that we are only two weeks away from figuring out if you are a boy or a girl. IN the beginning, I thought boy and Daddy thought girl, but lately we've switched and now think the opposite. I guess we'll find out soon enough who is right. And then we can start decoration your very first room. We can't wait to see it all set up and have you finally sleeping in it!

