Friday 19 September 2008

Mercedes - 18 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Peanut,

Well, we are almost halfway there! Hard to believe I will be 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow - the days and weeks just keep flying by. The most amazing thing is that I am feeling you moving around now everyday. It isn't super-strong yet of course, and your Daddy can't feel from the outside yet, but I know you are there! Especially when I am in the car - which is apparently what I did when my mom was pregnant with me.

And the other big news - you are a GIRL! At least, we think so. We would have been thrilled either way of course, but (not-so-secretly), your father and I are absolutely delighted to have a little princess. We have a follow up ultrasound in about a week so we'll confirm them for sure that you are really a girl. We've been so impatient to find out and start shopping!

Your Daddy bought you your first girl present today - a pink surfboard - but left the receipt in the bag... JUST in case ;) Either way, we love you already and can't wait for you to be here!



P.S. It looks like you are going to be TALL like your Daddy. Yay!

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