Thursday 12 November 2009

Mercedes - 9 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

I just finished watching one of my favourite shows (Grey's Anatomy) and it struck me that exactly 9 months ago, on a Thursday just like this one, in front of Grey's Anatomy - I realized I was in labour! It's hard to believe that tomorrow you turn 9 months old - out as long as you were in! You are growing up so fast and I fall more and more in love you each day/week/month that passes. I don't want you to get older and more independent - because it means that I'll be going back to work and unable to spend as much time with you, and it means that maybe you won't need me as much anymore. On the other hand, I love seeing you grow and learn new things every day. Watching my smart, beautiful girl fills me with such pride!

You can't (or won't) crawl yet, but you do scoot around on your bum and can pull yourself up to a standing position. Standing still at 3 teeth (1 top, 2 bottom), but there are THREE top teeth on the immediate horizon. You are eating like a champ and love feeding Bruiser as much as you love feeding yourself! You love to babble and you make all sorts of sounds, and you like to wave, clap and give lovely wet kisses! Nothing beats a cuddle and a kiss from you.

Happy 9 months monkey - I can't wait to see what the next 9 months hold!



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