It has been such a joy watching you grow over the past year. I love you more than words can ever say - it's something you'll understand when you become a mother. I actually said to your Zaidie yesterday that I understand now how much he loves ME. It really is the best feeling in the world - kissing you, snuggling you, playing with you, loving you. You are a wonderful little person and I can't wait to see how much you change and learn and grow in your second year.
On Tuesday you start daycare full-time with Pat and I, unfortunately, go back to work. I am sad to go and leave you - I'm going to miss my special days with you and feel sad that I'll only get to spend a couple of hours a day with you. But so far you seem to love daycare and are adjusting just fine. I know you'll flourish and thrive there, which makes going back to work much easier. I'll still miss you like crazy though!
Happy Birthday my beautiful girl.