Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Alexis - 12 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant

Dear Bean,

Today was our 12 week ultrasound and it was so much fun seeing you again! Especially since now you look less like a blob and more like a tiny human (or a creepy alien - the images from ultrasounds are cool, but weird!). We saw you waving and swimming and looking directly at us! You had a beautiful heartbeat of 155 beats per minute, and it was awesome to see. It's finally starting to sink in, that in six short months, we'll be parents of TWO! I can't wait!



Friday, 12 November 2010

Mercedes - 21 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

I can't believe that you are 21 months old (tomorrow) - in just three short months my little baby will be TWO. I look at you every day and marvel at how wonderfully smart and sweet you are. You learn a new word just about every day and are even putting together some short sentences - "go door home" and "open please" and "bye Daddy!".

You seriously melt our hearts every day with your big, cheeky green and your practice 'jumps' and your wonderful kisses. It's hard to imagine being a parent becoming any more fun than this age, but it seems like it just keeps getting better and better the older you get!



Alexis - 11 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant

Dear Bean,

Either you are superbaby or I have been going crazy, but I swear, I felt little teeny, tiny flutters - both last night and then again this morning. Both in the same spot, very low down and to the right. I know they say you usually feel movement sooner with your second, and it's not absolutely unheard of for it to be this early, but it's pretty rare! I figured I'd write this down just in case - have to have a record of it after all! Whatever it was, it definitely made me smile.



Thursday, 4 November 2010

Alexis - 10 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant

Dear Bean,

I have to admit, it's still kind of surreal to me to think that I am pregnant again. I thought I was in disbelief the first time, but it seems even stronger this time! Now that I have Mercedes, I KNOW what's it all about. I remember my pregnancy with your sister and her birth, and those wonderful but challenging newborn days. And it's shocking to me that right you are floating around in my belly, the size of a prune, and yet one day you will grow to walk and talk and giggle and hug me tight, just like your big sister. I can't wait!

In other news - I had my first midwife appointment for you last week. Talk about surreal! We discussed my pregnancy last time and my feelings about what kind of birth I'm hoping for with you. It seems so far away, but I know that time passes too swiftly. In two weeks I have my next ultrasound - I can't wait to see you jumping around on screen and hopefully get a nice picture of you. And then we can finally tell the rest of the world about you! Not that your father or I have been very good at keeping it secret. We're just so excited and can't wait to share that excitement with all of the other people who will love you too!

