Friday 31 December 2010

Mercedes - 22.5 Months

Dear Big Girl Mercedes,

Today you peed on the potty twice!! You also peed all over the floor a couple of times, but who's counting? It seems like right before my eyes you are growing and changing - when I think back to LAST New Year's Eve, the differences are outstanding. You are definitely your own unique personality now - a little shy/cautious at first, very observant, funny, sweet, charming, independent and just a teensy bit devilish! Last week you had your first two night sleepover at Bubie and Zaidie's, and you all had a blast! I love you, and I love my parents, and seeing how much they adore you, and how much fun you have with them... it warms my heart.

This past year has been full of ups and downs - losing Bruiser, getting Peanut, creating a new baby - but absolutely nothing has been as rewarding as being your Mom. Challenge me though you do, I love you more than you'll ever know. Happy New Year's Princess!



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