Friday 21 January 2011

Mercedes - 23 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Tomorrow your Daddy and I are going on vacation for a week (to Jamaica). You will be staying with Bubie and Zaidie and its the very first time you'll have been there for longer than a day or two, and the very first time we'll be SO far away from you. We are very much looking forward to our trip and we know that you will be in wonderful hands (spoiled rotten no doubt!!) but I still feel a little panicky at the thought of what lies ahead. Not least of all because we are going to miss you so very much! It's hard being away from you for one night - it's difficult to picture 7! I am already anticipating our reunion and we haven't even left yet! Here's hoping you don't punish us too much upon our return!

Love you always,


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