Sunday 13 February 2011

Mercedes - Happy 2nd Birthday!

Dear Birthday Girl,

Happy Birthday! I can't believe you are two whole years old. Two years ago I was just settling into my hospital room with you, trying to figure out breastfeeding and this whole 'mom' thing - I loved you already of course, but I didn't KNOW you. And now, you feel as important, close, special to me as the air that I breathe. Your father and I love you SO much - it actually physically hurts sometimes!

Anyway - you had a great birthday - lots of presents and a little family party at Bubie and Zaidie's house, complete with a Backyardigans cake and decorations. You are a very happy girl - we are all truly blessed to know you.



Wednesday 2 February 2011

Alexis - 23 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

Your father and I just got back on the weekend from a week-long trip to Jamaica - WITHOUT your big sister, so you can use that as bragging rights when you are older! You came on vacation with us and we left Mercedes with Bubie and Zaidie! The we landed (so I was 21 weeks and 4 days) we actually felt you on the outside for the first real, noticeable time! Daddy felt you also and we were both so excited. It seemed like the perfect way to start off our trip. And I have not stopped feeling you since. You are one busy (and strong!) little girl. If you are this busy on the outside, we are in BIG trouble!



Mercedes - 23.5 Months Old

Dear Ceecee,

It's so hard to believe your 2nd birthday is just around the corner. I remember you in my belly, you being born, you turning one... like it was yesterday! I am so excited to watch you continue to grow and learn. It's so much fun being witness to all of your wonderfulness! Last week, Daddy and I went on our first real vacation since before you were born - to Jamaica - for a week while you stayed with Bubie and Zaidie. We were nervous about leaving you for so long and of course, we missed you terribly (I recall watching videos of you Auntie Kimmy had saved on her phone and crying) but it was a fun vacation and you had a blast with your grandparents! Apparently you were a 'delight' and they started missing you the second we picked you up. You are a lucky little girl to have so many people in your life who love you so much!

