Wednesday 6 August 2014

Holden - 19 Months

Dear Holden,

This past weekend, at 19 months of age, you finally experienced your first sleepover at Bubie and Zaidie’s house! In typical third kid fashion, you were the latest of the bunch – Mercedes had her first sleepover at 17 months, and Lexi had her first at only 15 months! (Due in part to your impending arrival and the need we’d have for your sisters to be babysat during my hospital visit.) And in typical Holden fashion, you did fantastically! Always easy going and happy, you went to sleep without a peep, didn’t seem to miss breastfeeding at all, and even slept in! Of course, you never sleep in at HOME, but if you are going to be a super-star anywhere, it’s best that it’s at Bubie and Zaidie’s house so they are more willing to repeat this whole three-kid-sleepover thing ;)

It’s just another example of how quickly you seem to be growing – learning new words every day, learning new skills (climbing everything for example), and making your opinions CLEARLY felt (you have become quite adept at the toddler tantrum – throwing yourself down on the ground and screaming, even beating your little arms and legs for emphasis). We love seeing the bond you have with your sisters change and develop – you were always particularly close with Lexi, seeing as how you were both home with me every day, and of course, you are only 19 months apart. But now you seem to have developed a special bond with Mercedes too, which thrills me. She is almost four years older than you, so she dotes on you – helping you put your shoes on, or do up a zipper on your coat, playing ball with you, helping you with a crayon… you seem to terrorize her a little bit less frequently these days (although you make up for it with Lexi it seems), and just love giving her bone-crushing hugs and big smiles.

You are still absolutely obsessed with your elephant lovey, and adore wearing hats, and playing in the small wading pool in the back (and dumping water all over yourself). You love reading books, and insist on the ‘bus book’ (Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site) every night before bed (which is actually about trucks,but the two seem interchangeable to you right now). You still LOVE going to daycare and exploring all the neat things they have for you – last week you even gently held a frog you found on a walk (much to my surprise). You love animals of all kinds – especially Duke, although he doesn’t always appreciate all of the ‘attention’ you give him. I am so happy that this first sleepover went well – in part because it gives your father and I a much-needed break, and time to relax and focus on each other; but also because you get to experience what your sisters have for so long – the ultimate joy found only at Bubie and Zaidie’s house. Unlimited attention, unconditional love, and a level of spoiling that you’ll likely never get at home, despite us loving you just as much! Sleepovers at Bubie and Zaidie’s are a truly special thing, and I am so glad you are growing up knowing them – and I am thrilled that they get to spend more extended time with YOU and fall even more deeply in love (if that’s even possible) with my special little boy.



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