Thursday 2 October 2014

Alexis - 3.5 (almost)

Dear Lexi,

I am writing this journal entry to you not because some particular milestone has been reached, or some birthday has passed, or some special first has been recorded – but simply because I wanted to take a moment to revel in how much of a unique personality you are. You will never get to do things first, since you aren’t the oldest… you will never be the ‘baby’ or the only one of anything, since that is reserved for your brother… but you are, without a doubt, such a goofy, sweet character that you could never get lost in the shuffle. And I will never stop telling you how important and special you are to us.

And it’s not just your parents that see that (biased though we may be). Your daycare teachers find you infinitely amusing. Friends of ours say “Oh, that Lexi! What a gal!” Your Bubie and Zaidie and aunts and uncles smile at your antics and the ever-present twinkle in your big, dark eyes. Even your sister, who will forever remind us all how she will always be older and bigger, finds you hysterically funny. In fact, she is often unable to eat her dinner because she is laughing so enthusiastically at something funny you’ve said, or a silly face you’ve made.

I don’t know what exactly it is about you that draws people in, but it’s some magically endearing combination of your crazy curls, your big eyes, your little sturdy body, your teeny high-pitched voice… not to mention your personality of course. You have always been this very interesting study in contrasts – feisty and independent and stubborn and adventurous, yet easy-going and flexible and snuggly and sweet. You have everyone in your life wrapped around your fingers, and your father and I constantly find ourselves shaking our heads and smiling and say “Oh Lex” – there is just no escaping your charm, even when you are peeing on the floor, refusing to clean up your toys, attacking your siblings, or stalling at bedtime.

Don’t ever lose that gleam in your eye Lexi-Bexi. Frustrating as it is, it’s inescapably you.



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