Monday 14 September 2015

Mercedes - Grade 1

Dear Mercedes,

Last week marked your first week of Grade 1. We had a rough start to your first day of school – this year, the administration made everyone from Grade 1 and up meet in the yard before the first bell, where we were to look for the right Grade and then find your name on a list to learn who your teacher was. I understand that for many reasons this may have been the best method (there are changes in enrollment right up until the last minute, etc.), but it sure was chaotic. For a sensitive kid like you (and for me too!) it was downright overwhelming. You surprised me with how UN-anxious you were leading up to the start of school though. I remember last year you crying at night for a good week prior to SK starting, and that was when you knew the classroom and the routine and that all of your friends would be with you! This year, we had no idea who your teacher was, where your classroom was, and whether or not your best friends would be with you (sadly, your two best friends are NOT). But you took the uncertainty in stride and while you admitted that you were a ‘bit nervous’ prior to the start of school, not once did you cry or complain. Until of course, the chaos in the schoolyard.

However you persevered, and as you told me later you were totally fine once you walked through those doors. You do have a few friends in your class, and you actually have TWO teachers, both of whom you seem to enjoy. You are very proud of the fact that you have a real desk now, and that there are no ‘toys’ left in the classroom (“just math toys”), and that you get to walk all the way down the hallway by YOURSELF to go to the bathroom (ah the joys of freedom at the age of six!). You love being on the third floor of the school, and after only four days have already seemed to fall into a great groove. This is not surprising to me – you have a true, unbridled love for school and all things learning (doing workbooks on your own time that you force me to buy for you).  You are 100% my daughter. I remember Auntie Kimmy and I begging Bubie to do gifted tests on us for fun on the weekends.

It is thrilling to me to see how engaged and involved you are in your school days – how much fun it all is to you, how you carefully observe everything around you and import it into your daily play with your brother and sister. I have no doubt that this year will be a fantastic one for you – I can’t wait to see what you teach me next.



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