Friday 22 May 2020

Lexi - Happy 9th (lockdown) Birthday!

Dear Lexi,

Happy 9th birthday! This year’s celebration is quite different from previous birthdays… no going out to a restaurant, no big family gathering, no birthday party with your friends. No one ever anticipated a global pandemic in 2020, and our family has effectively been on lockdown for over two months now.

Despite the fact that we can’t celebrate exactly the way you would have liked, you have taken all of these obstacles in stride and we are making the best of it. I have the afternoon off work so we can play in the sunshine and bake your double-chocolate birthday cake together. We’ll order sushi and rent a movie of your choice (Scoobs is the winner I believe). We’ll have presents and calls from friends and family and the most gorgeous day of the year, weather-wise, just for my little ray of sunshine.

As always, it’s such a pleasure watching you grow and mature. You have become quite a little artist – painting numerous animal pictures and inspirational quotes and nature scenes while on lockdown. You absolutely love scooter-ing outside while your siblings are skateboarding, you still obsessively love your Pengwee stuffed animal, and you eat most things (especially sweet things) with voracious pleasure. Actually, that’s how you live most of your life – voraciously. You smile big and hug hard (like a small hurricane coming at you) and laugh loudly and bounce when you talk, and I couldn’t love you more for it. You still love colourful clothes and everything bright and it makes ME feel bright just to look at you.

Thank you for being such a shining star of love and light – our crazy Middle makes our world shine and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t wait to see what this next year, and all the years beyond, hold for you.



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