Saturday 24 December 2022

Holden - Happy 10th Birthday!

Dear Holden,

It’s crazy to me that 11 years ago we had no idea we would ever have another baby, and then one year later, there you were, completing our family in the best way possible. You, with your thick, curly hair and amazing freckles and cute little nose and gap-toothed grin and quirky sense of humour, remain to this day the best Christmas surprise anyone could have ever asked for. You are everything we never knew we always wanted – complete with armpit farts and penis jokes and loud burps at the table and the best laugh I’ve ever heard when you don’t know we’re listening.

It's hard to believe that you are already 10 years old – for starters, I don’t feel old enough to have been a parent to three for an entire decade, but also, it’s hard to fathom how quickly time flies and how much you’ve grown in the past year. You walk back and forth to school alone, you hang out with your friends (ok, mostly online but whatever), you spend a LOT of time in your room (again, online with your friends), you have the best computer set-up in the house, you are a Fortnite expert, schoolwork seems to come easily to you, you have no problem helping yourself to a giant bowl of cereal at any time of the day… you’re growing up right before our eyes and it’s sad and scary and wonderful to see, all at the same time.

But no matter what, I’m so unbelievably proud of the boy you are turning into and can’t wait to see the man you will eventually become. I have no doubt you will continue being funny and smart and quirky and loving – just maybe try to be a *bit* nicer to your sisters (or like, acknowledge their presence when you see them at school, please).

Love you forever and ever,


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