Dear Holden,
Only one more year until I officially have three teenagers! Maybe it’s because you're the last, but sometimes it feels like you already are one - there’s a bit of moodiness, a lot of quiet, a lot of time spent in your room, a lot of time online with your friends. And then on the flipside, you’re always going to be the baby (not A baby, but MY baby), and it’s hard not to want to wrap you up and keep you that way forever. So while the moments that we spend together seem to be fewer and further between these days, I treasure every single one of them. Playing a board game, watching X-files or a disaster movie, making you food (this is one of those constant things these days), giving you a hug, answering your very formal, very polite text messages… even when quiet and reserved, you’re still a joy to be around.
And then, the moments that truly make my heart swell… when I hear you laughing uproariously in your room while you’re gaming with your friends. Your father and I can’t help but smile and giggle when we hear you so energetically, enthusiastically having a blast with your buddies. I wish we saw more of that laughter with us on a daily basis, but it makes me truly happy to know you’ve got a great group of friends around you who make you feel included and loved and joyful.
You’re doing well in school and your teacher says you are well-rounded, on task, and a quiet leader and example for your peers, which is all that I can ask for. I tell you all frequently that I don’t care about straight As or the best marks - I just want to see that you make your best effort and that you approach life with kindness. And while maybe some more of that kindness could extend to your sisters, I’m thrilled that at the very least, your classmates, teachers, and friends get to benefit from the sweet young man you’re growing up to be. And when I say growing up, I mean it - it feels like every day when I hug you goodbye, you’re getting closer and closer to being taller than me. It won’t be long now, and while I sometimes mourn the days when I could tuck you under my chin, I am so excited to see what the next crazy few years hold for you - including official teenagerhood and high school, eek!
Keep being you my Holders - we love you to the moon and back and couldn’t be prouder to be your parents.