Sunday 30 November 2008

Mercedes - 29 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

I am sorry I have not written in a few weeks. I have been very busy at work and you certainly do a great job of keeping me up at night so I am very tired when I am at home. You are growing well though (as am I!) and moving and kicking up a ton. It's so much fun to feel and see my stomach rippling from the outside.

Today we set up most of your nursery! My two dearest friends, Andrea and Lindsay, came over to paint and it looks amazing. Then we (with your dad) set up all of the furniture and bedding and even decorated the walls! It just needs a few finishing touches - and you of course! - and it'll all be done. I absolutely love the room, it looks fantastic. And I hope that you like it too. It feels so strange now to have a crib all set up in there - I keep sitting in the glider, looking at the crib, and picturing you actually here. It all feels so real - I'm actually going to be a Mommy! Your Dad is so excited too - he even bought you a Christmas present today. He is so in love with you already - we can't wait to finally welcome you home - only 11ish weeks to go!



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