Saturday 17 January 2009

Mercedes - 35 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

Time just keeps on flying by, and before you know it, you'll be here, out in the real world! In fact, it might actually be sooner rather than later. Although I technically still have 4 weeks to go until your due date, you could potentially arrive any time. I kinda hope you do. Not that I don't love being pregnant with you, because I do - even with all of the more recent aches and pains and sleepless nights, it's all great! I love feeling you move and wiggle, and I love knowing I am providing a nice safe home for you, and feeling this closeness that can never be taken away from a mother and her baby.

BUT, I am very anxious and excited to meet you. And it appears that you are on the bigger side, and I have a lot of extra amniotic fluid - so you may in fact arrive slightly sooner than scheduled. But we are all prepared - your nursery is all set up, hospital bags are packed, camera is charged, car seat is installed.

Now, all we do is wait (somewhat impatiently) for your arrival. I know that you'll be here when you are good and ready, but try to be ready soon ok?



Saturday 3 January 2009

Mercedes - 33 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Princess,

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that it is already 2009 and that NEXT month you will be here! The days and weeks just keep flying by (I keep saying that don't I? ha) and every step brings us closer and closer to meeting you in person. We finished your nursery over the holidays. We even have diapers all ready for you. All we need to do is pack our hospital bags, get the car seat installed and wash all of your teeny-tiny clothes! I can't wait to organize them all in the closet.

Even your grandparents are busy getting ready for your arrival. They bought a play yard just for you - it's all set up, complete with a few outfits and blankets that we'll keep there so you always have a change of clothes. Your Bubie is even going to stock up on diapers and books - I hope you'll feel just as at home there as I did. I lived in that house (in that room actually!) for thirteen whole years.

It's so much fun to get everything ready for you and see how excited everyone is. Now all we need is YOU.

