Sunday 1 February 2009

Mercedes - 38 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

We are now officially only two weeks away from your due date - but please feel free to arrive ANY time now. Not that I don't love being pregnant with you, but your Daddy and I are more than ready to meet you. Particularly since they (midwives and ultrasound technicians) keep telling me what a BIG baby you are! In fact, as of a week ago, they estimated you to already be about 9 (yes, that's right NINE) pounds. Eek. These things can typically be inaccurate, so it'll be interesting to see what size you actually emerge at.

Otherwise, I am trying to be patient - lots of reading, naps, watching movies... everything I won't be able to easily do for the next little while! Of course, you'll be worth it.



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