Saturday 13 March 2010

Mercedes - 13 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Today you are 13 months old! It's hard to believe it's already been an entire month since your birthday/party. You are growing up way too fast.

Unfortunately, we can no longer take monthly progress pictures of you - on Thursday, your Daddy and I had to make the most awful, heartbreaking decision of our lives. We had to say goodbye to our dog, Bruiser. You won't remember him when you are older, but he'll always live on in pictures and videos and memories. We promise we'll tell you all about him all the time, because we want you to know how much you loved him and how much he loved you. He was the best dog - so full of love and personality and charm and snuggles and kisses. He was so very patient with you - he never once growled or nipped at you - and he loved standing guard over you when you were first born. As you got older you loved sharing food with him and petting him, playing with him and holding his bone for him. You really were best buds.

Daddy and I miss him so much - we are very sad right now and of course, you don't really understand why, but you are definitely noticing his absence. This morning you kept looking at a picture of him and asking "Broo? Broo?" It broke our hearts. I know that we all will always love Bruiser.



P.S. On a brighter note, today you took two unassisted steps for the first time!

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