Saturday 6 March 2010

Mercedes - 12.5 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Today you actually stood up on your own, completely unassisted for five whole seconds... twice!! It's never happened before! Maybe this means walking is coming sooner than we think. In other news, you've been at daycare for three weeks now (and I've been back at work of course) and you are absolutely loving it, which is a huge relief for me. You don't cry when Daddy drops you off, you play, you eat, you drink, you nap - you even bring home crafts (which we are saving of course!)

We are so proud that you are doing so well and turning into such a big girl right before our eyes. You even say a couple of words now - Pat (your daycare provider), dada of course. And you seem to be soaking up knowledge like a sponge! You know clap and sit and shake and band and hat. You even nod your head when we say yes. Today I asked you if you wanted milk and you nodded at me. You are SO smart, of course.



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