Monday 24 May 2010

Mercedes - 15 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Every day it seems you learn something new. You are at such a wonderful age - discovering and learning new things so quickly I can hardly keep up. You have a lot of words now: mama, dada, pat, hat, more, milk, ball, shoes... every day you pick up something new! You know how to wipe your face and where your 'soos' go, and where your belly/foot/mouth is. You love cleaning things and throwing the ball for Peanut, and trying to do up zippers and making funny faces in the mirror. You love, love, LOVE to dance, which provides endless amusement for Daddy and I. (And out of nowhere, you even figured out how to put on lip gloss and sunscreen! Pat must have taught you those!) You brush your teeth and your hair, you help to put your clothes on - you even know where your diaper is and touch your bum if I asked you if you've pooped.

It is such a joy to watch you figure out the world around you. My heart just grows and grows, each and every day.



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