Friday 15 October 2010

Mercedes - 20 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Some exciting news! You are going to be a big sister in June! It's still very early, but we had an ultrasound today and saw a heartbeat so we are hopeful everything is on track. It's an exciting time to be sure, but also a little bittersweet. Your father and I love you SO much, beyond what words could even describe, so it's kind of hard to imagine loving another little person the same way. But everyone says your love multiplies, not divides, so I am sure everything will be just fine. Besides, if this little bean is half as smart and funny and sweet and beautiful as you, then we are blessed beyond belief. I think you are going to make a wonderful big sister - you are already such a good helper (vacuuming, sorting laundry, tidying toys, feeding Peanut) that I am sure you will be wonderful! Even though right now everything is 'no' and 'mine' - I am sure that won't last forever!

I'm sorry our time alone together is coming to an end, but I am thankful to be able to give you the wonderful gift of a little brother or sister!



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