Sunday 16 October 2011

Mercedes - 32 Months Old

Dear Ceecee,

Sometimes, you say the most hilarious things to us, and we can't even attempt to control our laughter. Sometimes it's not a nice thing you say, and I have NO idea where you'd EVER learn language like that (oops), sometimes it's something innocently funny, sometimes it's something so sweet and complex that it just blows my mind and makes me laugh. Having you fully verbal is truly amazing. Here are some of your recent gems:

Mommy: yawning really loudly
Mercedes: Mommy don't 'rawr'! There is no dinosaur here!

Duke: (rolling around on his back)
Mercedes: Duke! Go back to puppy school! I don't want to see your penis!

You also love to tell Duke to "kick rocks!" and you frequently say "oh my GODDDDDD" or "Jeeeeee-sus" when you are exasperated (I'll blame those on your father).

We have a broken kitchen chair that yes, I broke one day while I was pregnant with your sister. The other day you asked Daddy about the broken chair and he said "Why is it broken?" and you said "Because of Mommy's fat bum" (not nice, but hilariously true unfortunately!)

I never want to forget how sweet and funny and hilarious you are at this age. It's something new and awesome each and every day.

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