Tuesday 11 October 2011

Mercedes - 32 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Every day you make me proud. You amaze me in so many ways - watching you navigate through the world and seeing the little personality you are rapidly developing is truly astonishing. This weekend we finally took the plunge and converted your crib into a toddler bed! This means you are FREE, although so far you haven't attempted to actually get out of bed when you are supposed to be sleeping (thankfully!). You are having some sleep issues currently (wanting us to sit on the floor until you are asleep, waking in the middle of the night to sleep with Daddy, etc), so we had hoped that a change and some encouragement on being a 'big girl' might help, but so far, no dice. It hasn't gotten any better, but at least it hasn't gotten any worse!

Today, you brought literal tears to my eyes at the park. There was a group of about four 5-6 year old kids (3 girls, 1 boy) all playing in the sand at the playground. You, ever cautious and shy, but curious, clearly wanted to play with them. You approached them, ever so slowly, and stood there, quietly waiting for some sort of invitation to play. One of the little girls asked if you wanted to play with them, and you kinda just stood there, not saying anything. I felt a bit mama-bear-ish when one of the little girls said "why is she just standing there like that?!" but the 'leader' said "she looks like she's only 2" and then asked you again if you wanted to help them build in the sand and tried to give you sand. It truly warmed my heart to see you playing with other kids (much older kids!) at the park... it gave me visions of my future - standing back, resisting the temptation to referee your interactions with other kids, despite the fact that some of them may be slightly negative. I can't believe I already have a child old enough to play independently, of her own volition, with neighbourhood children! It's really amazing that just a few short years ago, you were nothing but a fetus, and now, you are this tiny bundle of personality.

Love always,


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