Tuesday 27 September 2011

Alexis - 4 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

Today was your four month appointment, and as usual, you made me smile and laugh at just how cute and sweet you are. Your official stats are 25.5 inches long (90th percentile for height! You probably get that from your father ;) ) and 14.5 lbs (60th percentile for weight). You are growing big and strong, and the doctor was amazed at your muscle tone and how strong you are (yes, did we mention you've been rolling for nearly two months already?!). You took your needles like a champ, but wasn't so fond of the rotoavirus vaccine. It's an oral vaccine, and nurses prefer that parents put it in bottles to disguise the taste. But of course, you don't drink bottles! She tried to squirt some in your mouth and the face you made was epic. As was the vomit that you spewed all over me a couple of seconds later. We managed to get the rest of it into you - slowly but surely - but not without much complaining, squirming and face-making from you. It was hilarious, if time-consuming!

It's amazing to me to see the differences in you and your sister - you are SO smiley and happy and easy-going... willing to let just about anyone look at you, talk to you, or even hold you. At this age, your sister would scream bloody-murder if anyone else but me even got too close to her. I am thankful that you seem a little more laidback in that regard. You two also look very different - I think you have more of your father's facial features, while Mercedes looks more like my family. Time may change all that, but all I know is that, different or not, you are both extremely beautiful!

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