Saturday 24 September 2011

Mercedes - 31 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Today marked a number of 'firsts' for you, and a very, very proud day for Mommy and Daddy. While you think you are adventurous, you don't usually tend to be - you are wonderfully inquisitive and observant, but a little tentative in new situations, particularly physical ones. You love going on slides, but small ones you can tackle yourself - you won't go on the swings, or walk in the sand at the playground, or climb too far or run too fast. Yep, you're my kid all right!

But today you challenged yourself and made us all proud! This morning we went to your first Kindergym class - it consists of a lot of free play on 'kiddie' gymnastics equipment, and some circle time (including with a parachute!) You had an absolute blast. And by the end of the hour, you were already miles ahead of where you were when it started! For example, there was a plastic slide with five ladder-type steps. The first few times, you would only go up one or two steps and then needed my assistance for the rest. By the middle of the class, you were climbing up and going down all by yourself! The look of pride on your face made my heart swell.

But the best part of the day was later this afternoon. I took you and your sister to the park, and my shy, tentative girl decided once and for all to conquer that pesky sand!! You actually walked around in the sand, climbed on the animal rockers by yourself, went on the swings (briefly, but it still counts) and best of all, CLIMBED a big flight of stairs on the playground equipment and went down a BIG metal slide, all by yourself!! You were thrilled with your bravery, and so was I. You always amaze me and make me proud - today was no exception.



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