Friday 23 September 2011

Alexis - 4 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

4 months have come and gone, and we love you more and more each day. This has been a big week for you - 4 months old, laughing for the first time, sleeping for more than 8 hours, and discovering your inner 'squeal'. It's a super-cute noise, although you do it over and over and over and over again ;) It's so funny watching you react to your own voice, but you don't necessarily have to screech SO loud.

The laughing you can feel welcome to try over and over again! The first time you laughed, it was at Duke, being the silly puppy he is. You are also ticklish, as we've discovered, and today you laughed because I said your name? It's okay, I'll take the baby giggles however I can get them! (Oh, and I'll also take more of those 8+ hour sleeps please!)

We love you oh-so-much, it's impossible to put into words. You are such a sweet, happy, easy-going baby. Smiley and lovely, you have brought nothing but absolute joy to our lives.



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