Saturday 17 September 2011

Mercedes - 31 Months Old

Dear Princess,

Last week you started a class called 'Time for Twos' - it's a parent-assisted circle time/activity at the Early Years Centre and you had a blast! You haven't done anything like this at all yet, and I was so proud to see you do things all on your own (even though I was sitting there too). You are such a shy, tentative child in many ways - you are friendly and sweet with people, but definitely aren't one to run off and try new things without Mommy or Daddy. You also like to have both feet planted firmly on the ground, much like how I was at that age (and mostly still am!). For example, you always want to go to the park, but don't like walking in sand at the playground so we just run around the field instead! Ah well, all in good time. We'll continue to encourage you without forcing, and love you no matter how you play!



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