Monday 16 January 2012

Alexis - 8 Months Old (almost)

Dear Alexis,

You are a girl on the move! You drag yourself army-styles, you crawl, you do downward-facing dog, you push yourself back up to sitting from lying down, you can pull yourself up on some things (like ME, all day long!). It's so fun watching you explore your little world, although it certainly makes things more difficult! You are eating EVERYTHING now and absolutely LOVE fruits and vegetables (hopefully that lasts, unlike your non-green-eating sister).

You babble and laugh and giggle (mostly at your sister) and try to imitate the singing that your sister does. It's such a joy to watch the two of you interact. As you get older and more 'fun' for Mercedes, she becomes more and more obsessed with you. She sings to you in the car if you start to cry, she has to kiss you good morning and good night and hello and goodbye each day, she picks up your cup when you drop it, she brings you toys when you want to play. She is such a great big sister, and the look of complete adoration in your eyes makes any headaches of having two young children worth it. We are so lucky to have two such wonderful girls.



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