Thursday 5 July 2012

Alexis - 13 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

You walk! Yay! It's not consistent (i.e. you don't walk more than you crawl, yet) but you CAN do it, and quite well when you set your mind to it. Watching your little tiny feet propel your small chubby body across the room, and seeing how proud you are when you do it - well, it's pretty darn amazing.

You also have discovered how much fun it is to CLIMB things, which gives your father and I heart attacks daily - finding you standing on a stool trying to reach whatever is on the counter is not fun (for us anyway). But I'm glad to see how adventurous and curious you are - I know it's the age of discovery, I just want you to discover safely please ;)



ETA: Less than a week after I wrote this, you are definitely, officially a walker. You practiced all weekend and now you toddle around like a drunk zombie ALL day long. It's awesome.

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