Friday 17 August 2012

Holden - 20 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Holden (we'll have to see what sort of nickname your sisters come up with for you!),

As I suspected, I have now had to change the title and the colours of this blog/journal - since I will no longer only have daughters! I had a very strong feeling from the moment I found out about you that you were a boy - so much so that I've been saying "he kicked" and "when he arrives" etc. right from the beginning.

Last week that hunch was confirmed via ultrasound - and here you are! Holden John (John after your late grandfather, who we'll happily tell you all about as you get older) - welcome to the family! Your sisters are thrilled (well ok, Alexis has no clue what is going on, but Mercedes is pleased since she requested a baby brother) about your impending arrival, as are your grandparents, aunts and of course, your father and I. We're a little befuddled on what exactly to 'do' with a boy - and we have to amass a large quantity of BLUE clothes and get rid of the mountains of PINK - but we're excited nonetheless. I can't wait to see what a wee boy version of us looks like.

In other news - you are growing healthy and strong and perfectly on track. I felt you kick from the OUTSIDE for the first time last weekend (Saturday evening to be exact) and it was thrilling! You've also seemed to go through a massive growth spurt this week, right at the halfway mark in my pregnancy - now your movements are higher up, more pronounced, and more easily felt from the outside. This is my favourite part of pregnancy - feeling those unmistakable kicks and rolls and jabs, knowing that you and I are sharing something special that can never be taken away from a mother and her child.

I can't wait to meet you my sweet boy!



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