Tuesday 19 March 2013

Alexis - 22 months

Dear Alexis,

It is hard to believe that in two short months you will be TWO. Although I have to admit, you are showing a lot of signs of the 'terrible twos' already.

You have been home with me full-time since your baby brother was born, but a month ago your grandparents generously offered to pay for part-time daycare for you - we all figured that, supermom though I am, it would help you tremendously to have some kids your own age around, and to get out of the house and do some fun stuff. We are in a pretty good groove (for now, while your brother doesn't move!), but it is nice for you to have lots of exciting things to do, and it is nice for me to have a couple of days of peace and quiet with just your brother around. We do get out though - playdates and momstown events and running errands and next week you start a 'gym' class, which I am sure you will be thrilled with. But the daycare is doing great things for you - you love playing and they have said they wish every toddler could transition as easily as you! On your first day you ate and slept and played with no issues, and getting used to daycare when you only go part-time is even harder than full-time. Of course, you do have daycare experience already, but this is a busy centre (the same one your sister goes to!) - far different than a small, cozy home daycare. In any case, you love it, they love you, and we think it's doing great things for you.

Your language is exploding - every day it seems something new comes out of your mouth, and we can always see the wheels turning as you contemplate things. Your personality is the same as it's always been - this incredibly endearing blend of carefree and easy-going, and feisty and adventurous and stubborn. I love watching you watch Mercedes - you try to copy EVERYTHING she does and follow her around like a puppy, but you don't take any crap from her either. More often we are protecting HER from YOU, and not the other way around :p You have the cutest little face, very little hair, and this tiny sturdy body that is freakishly strong. You give the BEST hugs and nothing warms my heart like hearing you say earnestly "DANK you Bappy!" I can't get enough of kissing your chubby cheeks and hope you'll always let me.

Much as I enjoy the 'break' with you at daycare two days a week, I'm absolutely loving spending this extra time with you while I am off work. It feels like falling in love all over again.



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