Tuesday 19 March 2013

Holden - 3 Months

Dear Holdy,

Yep, sorry, it's official - your nickname is Holdy (often Holdy Roldy, ha). I know it doesn't sound especially masculine, but it suits you and your sunny, easy-going personality. I don't know if it is because you are a boy or because you are the third and sort of 'forced' to go with the flow... but man, you are an easy baby (knock on wood). It is hard to believe I was ever concerned about dealing with a third. Of course, it's early days, and your personality will develop as you grow, and at some point, you will move (that'll be fun). But for now, we are enjoying the 'honeymoon' period as your fourth trimester draws to a close. I've absolutely loved the past almost three months with you. You are smiley and happy and sleep well (again, knock on wood - do you hear me?! I'M KNOCKING ON WOOD) and love just chilling and watching the world (aka the tornados known as your sisters) around you. You haven't laughed yet, and you haven't rolled over yet - despite trying. You do like to talk and coo at objects on your playmat, and you love trying to hit them with your hand. The look of concentration is priceless! But by far your favourite thing to look at is your own hand. You hold up your right hand in a fist and stare at it until you are cross-eyed.

I love snuggling you and rocking you gently to sleep in your quiet room. In fact, despite being the opposite of my 'parenting philosophy' you are sleeping in your own room for the entire night already (and have been for a few weeks now). Your sisters didn't go to bed at an early hour until about 6 months, and they were in our room (and often in bed with me) on and off, but mostly on, until 9 months! You go to bed in your crib peacefully around 7ish, sleep 6-8 hours, and then back in your crib for another few hours. I have to admit, it is pretty great, but I do miss seeing your sweet face beside me in the bed. However, I know all too well what developmental milestones, illness and teeth can do to sleep - I am sure it won't be the last of our co-sleeping days. Until then, I'll relish the quiet moments we do have together during middle of the night feedings (we don't have too many quiet moments otherwise!)



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