Thursday 23 May 2013

Alexis - 2nd Birthday

Dear Lexi,

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Time is such a funny thing - it moves so slowly, yet flies so quickly. There is a saying about parenthood that 'the days are long, but the years are short' and in so many ways, it is very, very true. Our days together often seem to be one long chore - between you and your brother and your sister there are endless diaper changes/bathroom breaks and naptimes and feeding and snacks and requests for one thing or another. Your father and I are exhausted by the time the three of you are in bed. But when I reflect on how quickly the past two years have passed, and how much of an amazing ride it has been, I feel lucky beyond measure.

Yesterday was your second birthday, and it was much like any other day - you are delightfully funny and sweet and make me laugh, but you have also driven me nuts: danced in the dog's water bowl, taken a header off the couch, stolen your brother's toys, thrown a toy full of water out of the bathtub, insisted on wearing a plastic crown for your nap, spit food on the floor, fallen asleep in the car and tried to resist your nap, taken off a poopy diaper and gotten it all over your hands... the list goes on. Despite how 'two' you can be, I am loving having you home with me. It's most certainly not relaxing, but it is always entertaining!

At two years old, you love practicing going up and down the stairs (with some hand holding, because you have my short legs) and riding your tiny balance bike. Bubbles are like, THE best invention and you absolutely go nuts for the park and going down the slide by yourself. Fruit of any kind makes the world go round, and you eat fun stuff like sushi and crab but turn up your nose at most vegetables (hmm, wonder where you got that from?!) You have SO many words and seem to learn something new every day. You are currently obsessed with a purple crown that you wear everywhere (including the doctor's office and to bed!) and you love 'reading' your favourite books. You are waking up ridiculously early but still taking great naps (thank you for that!) You say such cute things like 'Aww, kiss!' every time you kiss someone - you torture the dog and cat daily, but think you are loving them. And your sun rises and sets on your sister and brother - watching you all together warms my heart daily (when you aren't fighting for toys/attention/space).

Lexi-Bexi, you are a joy and a delight to be around - tantrums notwithstanding. We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow this year.



1 comment:

  1. As always, you bring a tear to my eye and a proud swelling to my heart. I love you all <3
