Wednesday 28 August 2013

Holden - 8 Months

Dear Holden (aka Holds, Holdy-Moldy, Rolds, Holders, Nedlohs, Mr. Nedloh, Neds, Nedders, Mr. Handsome...),

You are now 8 months old, and two days after celebrating that, you finally cut your first tooth! Not that you'd know it - you are as happy and agreeable as ever!

You aren't crawling yet (fine by me!) but you are super-quick and efficient with your rolling and pulling yourself around. Nothing is safe, and I can't leave you alone for a minute or you will be clear across the room. You are much steadier sitting now, and absolutely LOVE your food. I always find it so fun cooking for an infant - no criticism, no rejection... just pure joy at being given real food to eat!

And, as you have been your whole life, you are still a complete and total delight to be around. Smiley, happy, easy-going - any good-natured adjective you can think of? That's you!

Your sisters fight over who gets to open your door to greet you first after a nap, and they love fetching you toys and tickling you and making funny faces so you'll smile and laugh at them.

You can thank Mercedes for your main nickname of Nedloh (Holden spelled backward - she's a leftie, and very adept at the mirror-writing!), and all of the ways we've incorporated Nedloh into other nicknames for you :p

As always, thanks for being you <3



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