Dear Mercedes,
My darling big girl - the day has finally come. Your full-time education begins now! Today was your very first day of 'big' school, as you've been calling it; full-day, every day, Junior Kindergarten!
It may seem like no big deal to some, and perhaps even to you, considering that you have basically been in a JK class for the past year already at Peekaboo. But this is different - this is the REAL DEAL. Public school. No nap. No provided food. No hand-holding from Mommy or Daddy. No early pick-ups or late drop-offs or staying home because it's convenient. SCHOOL.
September was always my favourite time of year (in fact, I think it probably still is!) - the weather cools off a bit, the sun is still shining, and best of all, the new school year begins - full of promise and opportunity and endless possibilities. I loved picking out a new outfit, and spending a sleepless night excitedly wondering who would be in my class, and what my teacher would be like. Organizing all of my shiny new school supplies, blank notebooks waiting to be filled with knowledge. I LOVED school, and if your experience at Peekaboo was any indication, you surely will also. I can't wait to see your future unfold - what catches your interest, where your path takes you.
We are so proud of you and how curious and inquisitive and sensitive and observant and emotional and considerate you are. It is a joy watching you grow and learn, and I can't wait to have many more first days of school with you, just like today.
(And for the record, there were no tears, from either of us!)
Love always,
You both make me proud :)